Get Turner and McIlwraith Techniques in Large Animal Surgery

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Turner and McIlwraiths Techniques in Large Animal Surgery, Fourth Edition is an updated version of the classic resource for step-by-step instruction on basic surgical techniques in cattle, horses, swine, goats, and llamas. With detailed line drawings to demonstrate the principles discussed, the book addresses general aspects of surgery such as anesthesia and equipment and provides descriptions of surgical conditions and techniques commonly encountered in large animal practice. Now including a website with interactive review questions and the figures from the book in PowerPoint, the Fourth Edition is a highly practical, reliable guide for veterinary students and veterinary practitioners with a large animal caseload. The Fourth Edition includes eight new techniques and completely rewritten chapters on anesthesia, equine wound management, and surgical techniques in bovine and swine patients, as well as revisions to reflect advances throughout the book and updated references. Turner and McIlwraiths Techniques in Large Animal Surgery continues to supply students and practitioners alike with a valuable resource on the fundamental techniques of farm animal surgery. Vasectomy - Wikipedia Medical uses A vasectomy is done to prevent fertility in males It ensures that in most cases the person will be sterile after confirmation of success following surgery - Stuttgart: Thieme Publishing 1999 391 p ISBN13 978-3131166715 The book contains all the latest and best information on large animal osteosynthesis Lootcoza: Sitemap 9780937808832 0937808830 Journey to the Copper Age - Archaeology in the Holy Land Thomas Evan Levy 9780757504761 0757504760 Laboratory Manual for Biology 156: Human
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